If you struggle with side planks, try 5 exercises in this position

Do you struggle with side planks? Try a modified version on your forearm and knee. You can add different exercises in this position to work the side body while working towards a full side plank.

1. Front Kicks

The top leg should remain in line with the hip while kicking forwards. You can point and flex the foot adding in a little coordination too. You should avoid rotating in the lower back and trunk. Abs should be tight throughout the movement. 

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2. Leg Lift

The top leg remains straight and lifts about 6 inches or so. The hip joint should remain closed so the leg cannot rotate and lift further. 

leg lift exercises in plank form

3. Elbow to knee crunch

elbow to knee crunch exercise in plank form

Start by reaching the top arm overhead. The top arm and leg should make a straight line. Bring the elbow and knee to touch or close to touch before returning to the starting position. Give the abs an extra squeeze when crunching in. 

4. Side Crunch

Extend the top arm straight over head. Keeping the arm straight, bring it in towards your hip while simultaneously kicking the leg up.

side crunch with weight exercise in plank form

 5. Oblique Twist

Keep the top leg straight and in mid-line. Start with the top arm straight to the ceiling. Tuck the arm under your upper body creating a twisting motion, then untwisting back to a straightened position.

oblique twist exercise with weight in plank form


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