Daily Tips to Keep Your Back Healthy

If you're seated in a chair for most of the day or maybe have a history of lumbar disc issues, do these exercises daily to keep your back feeling great.

  • Lay on your stomach propped up on forearms every night for 5 minutes.

  • Keep your shoulders away from your ears and face forward.

lay on your stomach propped up on elbows stretched
  • Add bridges to your exercise routine, 3 sets of 15.

  • Start laying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground.

  • Lift your hips off the mat keeping the spine straight.

  • Give the glutes a squeeze at the top and slowly lower back to the floor. 


Try these stretches for your back:

  • Cat/cow

cat camel stretch gif.gif

Start on hands and knees. Look down towards the mat while creating a “hump” with your back. Hold this stretch for a few seconds, then reverse the movement. Look up and create a dip in the mid back. Hold for 1 breath each, repeat 6-10 times. 

  • Pigeon

Piegon stretch - figure 4

Start with right knee bent and foot tucked in towards the body. Extend your left leg straight behind you if possible. Your left knee should face the floor. Hold this position for 30 sec. to 1 min. each side, and repeat as needed.

  • Note: You can also stretch into figure 4 if you prefer laying on your back crossing R ankle over L knee and pulling legs towards you.

  • Knee to chest

knee to chest stretch exercise.gif

Laying on your back with legs extended, bring one knee towards your chest, hugging it towards you. Switch to the other side. Hold for 30 sec. And repeat 6 times.

  • Lumbar twist

Start laying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Extend arms out to the side in a “ T” position. Let both knees slowly lower to one side of the body. Let your spine relax in this position while turning your head away from the knees. Hold this position for 30 sec. To 1 minute and repeat 6 times, going back and forth. 

y stretch.gif

It’s important to stretch out of the flexed position most of us are in throughout the day. Extending the spine and activating the muscles of our posterior body helps us maintain a healthy posture.

Do not push through any exercises that are painful and talk to your doctor if you have a history of back problems that can be irritated by exercise.


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